Instructions for the Director of Training and Staff Duties

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The instructions for the Director of Training and Staff Duties were initialled by the First Sea Lord and Chief of Naval Staff, Sir Rosslyn E. Wemyss, on 4 June, 1918, before being properly issued on 14 June.[1]

Instructions, 1918

No. 174.


The attached Memorandum defining the duties of the Director of Training and Staff Duties has been approved by the Board.

Care is to be taken that papers dealing with the matters specified in the memorandum are referred to D.T.S.D. for his remarks, and that where (as will usually be the case) Board approval is required, the submission is marked to the C.N.S. as well as to the Second Sea Lord or other Superintending Lord concerned.


 14th June, 1918.

(NOTE :- Owing to a misunderstanding in setting up the type the attached memorandum was issued on the 10th instant in the form of an Office Memorandum No. 171.

Office Memorandum No. 171 should now therefore be regarded as cancelled).


(1) The D.T.S.D. will be responsible to the C.N.S., in all matters connected with the subjects below. All questions relating thereto are to be referred to the D.T.S.D. accordingly. In the performance of his duties, he will, when required by the C.N.S., visit Commands, and make enquiry into any matters on which information is needed.

(i) Organisation of the Naval Staff at the Admiralty and co-ordination of the Divisions of the Staff; co-ordination and relationship of the Staff and other branches of the Admiralty.
(ii) Formulation of the principles of Staff organisation; definition of the duties of Officers of Staffs ashore and afloat; recommendation of the Establishments of Staffs.
(iii) Recommendation of Officers to qualify for Staff Duties, and for appointments to the Admiralty Naval Staff and corresponding appointments on the Staffs of Flag Officers afloat and ashore. All questions of Staff qualifications.
(iv) Scheme of training and instruction in Staff and War Courses. The D.T.S.D. will advise upon the Governing principles, the subject matter to be included in the courses, and the general methods of instruction to be adopted, and will also report upon the results obtained.
(v) Principles governing the system of Entry of Officers and men, and the scheme of General and Technical Education and Training of Executive Officers and Cadets, Men and Boys.

(2) MANUALS AND TEXT BOOKS. The D.T.S.D. will be responsible for:-

(a) preparation of all Manuals and Text Books dealing with Staff Duties and Staff Training:
(b) compilation, in co-operation with the Fleet and Admiralty Naval Staff, of all Text Books dealing with the application of strategical and tactical principles.
(c) consideration and final submission for approval of all Manuals dealing either with general training or training in the various special branches.
(d) advice on Text Books upon technical subjects, so far as these involve the treatment of tactical or strategical principles.

(3) Inasmuch as the activities of the D.T.S.D. will very generally concern the Second Sea Lord as well as other Members of the Board, it is essential that the closest inter-communication should be maintained, and that they should be consulted on matters that concern them.[2]


  1. The National Archives. ADM 116/1585A.
  2. The National Archives. ADM 116/1585A.