Home Fleets General Orders

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Home Fleets General Orders were issued to the Home Fleets and its successor incarnation the Grand Fleet between 1912 and 1914. Some had been issued to the Home Fleets' previous incarnation, the Home Fleet.


Orders in force on 15 May, 1914.[1]

No. Date. Subject. Notes.
1. 10 October, 1910. Collection of foreign intelligence. Cancelled by Grand Fleet Order No. 603 of 19 September, 1916.
4. 10 October, 1910. German Steam Trawlers with W/T apparatus. Cancelled by Grand Fleet Order No. 603 of 19 September, 1916.
5. 8 January, 1914. Instructions for Defence Exercises and for entry of ships into Defended Ports in time of war. Cancelled by Grand Fleet Order No. 603 of 19 September, 1916.
6. 10 October, 1910. Details of Battle Practice to be considered strictly confidential. Cancelled by Grand Fleet Order No. 603 of 19 September, 1916.
7. 10 October, 1910. Heights of masts when proceeding under Forth Bridge. Cancelled by Grand Fleet Order No. 603 of 19 September, 1916.
10. 10 October, 1910. R.N.V.R. men to be instructed in W/T. Cancelled by Grand Fleet Order No. 603 of 19 September, 1916.
11. 12 November, 1910. Remarks on handling divisions. Cancelled by Grand Fleet Order No. 603 of 19 September, 1916.
12. 29 April, 1914. Remarks on cruiser shadowing.
13. 25 October, 1913. Fire control arrangements.
14. 5 November, 1913. Fire control organisation. (Enclosure No. 2 of 15th January 1914).
15. 8 December, 1913. Distribution of gun fire.
16. 26 January, 1914. Rangefinder, Fire control, and Torpedo control exercises.
17. 30 April, 1914. Expenditure of heavy gun ammunition.
18. 2 February, 1914. Training of gunlayers at sea.
19. 21 February, 1914. Exercises with torpedo craft.
20. 16 February, 1914. General rules for PZ exercises.
21. 17 July, 1911. Sending of unauthorised wireless messages. Cancelled by Grand Fleet order No. 603 of 19 September, 1916.
22. 1 January, 1914. Foreign officers under training—Particulars of armament and construction to be regarded as confidential.
23. 28 May, 1914. Employment of signal ratings in action, and for night defence. (Part II dated 21st March 1912).
24. 24 November, 1913. Orders for the conduct of the fleet at night in time of war.
25. 30 April, 1912. Lectures to be given by Medical Officers of ships.
26. 3 June, 1912. Active service ratings not to take part in public performances for hire.
27. 3 June, 1912. Acceptance of private engagements by Naval and Marine Bands.
28. 3 June, 1912. Important "en clair" signals not to be made in presence of foreign-men of-war.
29. 3 June, 1912. Case of Confl Documents in Ships with not more than 2 Acct officers. Cancelled by I.M.63/1914.
30. Choice of projectiles in action (Will be issued shortly).
31. 20 December, 1913. War Routine.
32. 15 November, 1913. Gunnery training.
33. 7 December, 1913. Manœuvring orders. Cancelled by Grand Fleet Order No. 466 of 19 May, 1916.
34. 22 February, 1913. Stations and duties of officers in action in armoured ships.
35. 19 March, 1913. Preparation for War.
36. 27 March, 1913. Rules for exercises between ships and submarines.
37. 27 June, 1913. Procedure as regards toasts at official dinners when Foreign Officers are present.
38. 15 September, 1913. Suppression of disorder arising out of labour disputes.
39. 15 September, 1913. Local Control.
40. 29 September, 1913. Gunnery and Torpedo organisation of light cruisers.
41. 4 October, 1913. Special W/T Memoranda. Cancelled by G.F.O. 209, 1915.
42. 4 November, 1913. Employment of Destroyers for protection of heavy ships against submarines by day. Cancelled by H.F.0197 of 13 July, 1914.


  1. "Home Fleets General Orders. (confidential) In force 15 May 1914. Corrected up to 1st October 1916." Unnumbered page.

Primary Sources

  • Backhouse Papers in the possession of the Admiralty Library, Portsmouth.
  • The National Archives. ADM 137/260.
  • The National Archives. ADM 137/4052.