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[[Admiral (Royal Navy)|Admiral]] {{SIR}} '''Stanley Cecil James Colville''', G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O., Royal Navy (21 February, 1861 – 9 April, 1939) was an officer of the [[Royal Navy]].
[[File:Colville, NPG x166700.jpg|thumb|right|350px|Admiral The Honourable Sir Stanley Colville, 1917.<br><small>Photograph: © National Portrait Gallery, London.</small>]]
[[Admiral (Royal Navy)|Admiral]] {{HONSIR}} '''Stanley Cecil James Colville''', G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O. (21 February, 1861 &ndash; 9 April, 1939) was an officer of the [[Royal Navy]].
==Early Life & Career==
==Early Life & Career==
Colville was born in London 21 February, 1861, the second son of Charles John Colville, Tenth Lord and First Viscount Colville of Culross, chamberlain to Queen Alexandra both as Princess of Wales and as Queen (1873–1903).  He was grandson of General Sir Charles Colville.  His mother was Cecile Katherine Mary, only child by his first wife of Robert John Carrington, Second Baron Carrington.  After a short time at Marlborough, he entered the training ship [[H.M.S. Britannia (Cadet Training Ship)|''Britannia'']] as a naval cadet in 1874 and in 1876 was appointed as midshipman to the ''Sultan'' in the Mediterranean under Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, and remained with the Duke when in 1878 he transferred to the ''Black Prince'' in the Channel Squadron and afterwards on the North America and West Indies StationNext year he was sent to the ''Boadicea'', wearing the broad pennant of Commodore (afterwards Admiral Sir) F. W. Richards, at the Cape, and served on shore in the Zulu warPromoted {{SubRN}} in 1880, he underwent the usual examinations at Portsmouth.  In July, 1882 he joined the ''Alexandra'', flagship of Sir F. B. P. Seymour (afterwards Lord Alcester) in the Mediterranean, being promoted {{LieutRN}} in November: thus he was present at the bombardment of Alexandria (11 July) and took part in the subsequent land operationsIn 1883 he was appointed to the ''Canada'', North America station, in which [[George V of the United Kingdom|Prince George]] (afterwards King George V) was midshipman.  From 1884 to 1885 Colville was again in the Mediterranean for service with the Nile flotilla during the Gordon relief expedition, and after a short spell at home in the royal yacht ''Osborne'', resumed his service for three years under the Duke of Edinburgh, now Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean, with his flag in the ''Alexandra''. From 1889 to 1892 he was First Lieutenant of the royal yacht ''Victoria and Albert'' and thus earned his promotion to {{CommRN}} (August, 1892).
Colville was appointed as a {{NavCadRN}} to the training ship [[H.M.S. Britannia (Training Ship)|''Britannia'']] at Dartmouth on 15 July, 1874
For services rendered during the operations in Egypt, Colville was specially promoted to the rank of {{LieutRN}} with seniority of 18 November, 1882.{{Gaz|25169|5173|17 November, 1882}}
On 18 July, 1889, Colville was appointed in command of the {{UK-TB55|f=t}} for manoeuvres.{{INF}}<ref>"The Naval Manœuvres".  ''The Times''.  Monday, 15 July, 1889.  Issue '''32751''', col B, p. 4.</ref>  He then went to {{UK-Buzzard}} until 20 August, 1890.<ref>Colville Service Record{{TNA|ADM 196/42.|D7579032}} f. 29.</ref>
Colville was appointed to the Royal Yacht ''Victoria and Albert'' on 26 August, 1890,{{NLMar91|p. 264}} and was promoted to the rank of {{CommRN}} on 25 August, 1892, aged thirty-one years, six months, and four days.{{Gaz|26322|5016|2 September, 1892}}
A brief appointment in the {{UK-1Achilles|f=t}} occupied part of 1893, and in May, 1893, he began a three year turn in {{UK-Trafalgar}} in the Mediterranean.<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.|D7579032}} f. 29.</ref>
For his services in the Sudan, Colville was appointed a Companion in the Military Division of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (C.B.) on 17 November, 1896, and was specially promoted to the rank of {{CaptRN}} on 31 October, aged thirty-five years, eight months, and ten days.{{Gaz|26795|6271|17 November, 1896}}
Colville was appointed as captain of the {{UK-Barfleur|f=t}} on 9 September, 1898, remaining in her through October, 1899.<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.}} f. 29.</ref>
He was appointed in command of {{UK-1Crescent}} as Flag Captain on 1 March, 1900.<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.|D7579032}} f. 29.</ref>
==Flag Rank==
Colville was promoted to the rank of {{RearRN}} on 11 November, 1906, vice [[William Marrack|Marrack]].{{Gaz|27967|7628|13 November, 1906}}
He was promoted to the rank of {{ViceRN}} on 12 April, 1911, vice [[Francis Charles Bridgeman Bridgeman|Bridgeman]].{{Gaz|28485|2967|14 April, 1911}}
After three years as Commander of Admiral (Sir) Compton Domvile's flagship ''Trafalgar'' in the Mediterranean, Colville was at the Sirdar's request lent to the Egyptian government for operations on the Nile, and while in command of the flotilla in the Dongola campaign (1896) was severely wounded.  For this service he was specially promoted {{CaptRN}} in October, and appointed C.B.  In 1897–1898 he filled his only office appointment in London as naval adviser to the inspector-general of fortifications at the War Office, and then went as Flag Captain to Admiral Penrose Fitzgerald, in the ''Barfleur'', in China for eighteen months.  Next he was Flag Captain to Sir Frederick Bedford, in the ''Crescent'', on the North America station for two years, followed by three more as Chief of the Staff to Domvile in the ''Bulwark'', Mediterranean Fleet. For one year (1906) he had his only independent captain's command in the ''Hindustan'', Atlantic Fleet, and reached Flag Rank in November at the early age of forty-five. In 1908 he hoisted his flag in the ''Bulwark'' as Rear-Admiral of the Nore division of the recently formed Home Fleet under Sir [[Francis Charles Bridgeman Bridgeman|Francis Bridgeman]].  A year later he was appointed to the [[First Cruiser Squadron (Royal Navy)|First Cruiser Squadron]], then part of the Channel Fleet under [[Charles William de la Poer Beresford, First Baron Beresford|Lord Charles Beresford]] just before that great officer's dispute with [[John Arbuthnot Fisher, First Baron Fisher|Sir John Fisher]] ended in his being ordered to haul down his flag.
On the occasion of the King's birthday he was appointed an Ordinary Member of the Second Class, or Knight Commander, in the Military Division of the Order of the Bath (K.C.B.) on 14 June, 1912.{{GazSup|28617|4297|14 April, 1911}}
Colville's squadron and the rest of the Channel Fleet was then absorbed into the expanded Home Fleet under [[William Henry May|Sir William May]], and he soon found himself in charge of the first three great battle cruisers of the Dreadnought era, with his flag in the [[H.M.S. Indomitable (1907)|''Indomitable'']]. He completed two years in that command, was promoted {{ViceRN}} in April, 1911, and a year later went to sea again as Vice-Admiral commanding the [[First Battle Squadron (Royal Navy)|First Battle Squadron]], Home Fleet. He completed the usual two-year term in June, 1914, and thus was ashore on half-pay when war broke out.  
==Great War==
On 7 September, 1914, Colville was appointed [[Orkneys and Shetlands|Vice-Admiral Commanding, Orkneys and Shetlands]].<ref>Colville service record. {{TNA|ADM 196/42/25.}}</ref> He was promoted to the rank of {{AdmRN}} dated 11 September,{{Gaz|28984|9690|24 November, 1914}} but asked not to be given the rank so as to remain junior to Jellicoe.<ref>Colville service record. {{TNA|ADM 196/42/25.}}</ref> At the end of December he took command of the {{UK-BS|1}} for a few days whilst [[Cecil Burney, First Baronet|Sir Cecil Burney]] was ill. He took command on 24 December and went ashore on 28 December.<ref>"Grand Fleet Narrative of Events." Jellicoe Papers. British Library. Add MS 48996. ff. 230, 235.</ref> Colville wrote to Hamilton:
==Great War Service==
<blockquote>By Jove I simply lived again during my 4 days with the 1<sup><u>st</u></sup> Battle Squadron. The Germans might have had the decency to come out & give me a show on Xmas Day - from my point of view Burney came back in too much of a hurry & how I long for another chance at sea & a permanent one, not kind on other Admirals!! but still if the chance did occur I always doubt W.C. [Winston Churchill] & Co. appointing me if they could avoid it.<ref>Colville to Hamilton. Letter of 5 January, 1915. Hamilton Papers. National Maritime Museum. HTN/117/A.</ref></blockquote>
He naturally wished for a new command afloat but, nothing being available, he was offered the shore command of vice-admiral, Orkneys and Shetlands. During August Admiral [[Sir John Jellicoe]] had found the detailed work of arranging for the protection of the undefended base at Scapa Flow, where the main Grand Fleet was stationed, too great a burden and asked for the appointment of a senior flag-officer who should be responsible for the general defences of the islands and base, and for the control of patrol vessels and minesweepers and the placing of obstacles to prevent the entry of enemy submarines. Colville in accepting the post asked that he should be treated as junior in rank to Jellicoe to whom he was senior in the flag-list by five months. The chief peril which he had to face was the entry of German submarines into the anchorage and his measures were so successful that, although there were several reports of such intrusion, in fact none did get in, but one of Colville's patrol vessels rammed and sank one outside the Hoxa entrance.
In 1916 Jellicoe reported in a dispatch that it was largely due to Colville that the work at the northern base was so cheerfully and energetically carried out, and official appreciation of the Admiralty was duly expressed. In February 1916 he succeeded Sir Hedworth Meux as commander-in-chief at Portsmouth, having been promoted admiral soon after going to Scapa in September 1914. He held that important post for the rest of the war, and finally hauled down his flag in March 1919. He was appointed First and Principal Aide-de-Camp to the King in the following July and was placed on the Retired List on 4 April, 1922.<ref>''London Gazette'': [http://www.london-gazette.co.uk/issues/32668/pages/2934 no. 32668.  p. 2934.]  11 April, 1922.</ref>
On 9 July, 1915, Colville was promoted to Knight Grand Cross in the Royal Victoria Order (G.C.V.O.).{{Gaz|29232|6959|16 July, 1915}}  As he noted to Hamilton, "He [King George V] much to my surprise gave me the GCVO on leaving [Scapa], I was greatly touched & honoured but feel that an Admiral who can only be employed by the Admiralty 'on the Mud' in war time is not worthy of it."<ref>Colville to Hamilton. Letter of 12 July, 1915. Hamilton Papers. National Maritime Museum. HTN/117/A.</ref>
In describing Colville's qualifications for Second-in-Command of the Grand Fleet, [[Jellicoe]] wrote on 9 August, 1915:
In 1927 Colville was appointed rear-admiral of the United Kingdom and in 1929 vice-admiral of the United Kingdom and lieutenant of the Admiralty, ancient offices which had fallen into desuetude but were revived in 1901 by King Edward VII as high court appointments, corresponding to the military Silver Stick and Gold Stick in Waiting. He died at Crawley Down, Sussex, 9 April 1939.
Colville was a fine type of the ‘salt horse’ naval officer: without any pretensions to brilliance or scientific eminence he had a thorough knowledge of his profession, and possessed the complete confidence of his seniors. His lifelong energy and activity in everything concerned with the welfare of the navy were greatly appreciated by all ranks. He made no mistakes and was popular and trusted throughout the service. Although owing something no doubt to his association with the royal family, he well deserved his fortunate career in the Royal Navy.
<blockquote><u>Colville</u> has dash, but is nervy & very apt to worry about those under him about trifles. His experience is not so recent as Burney's, & of Fleet experience <u>during the war</u> he has practically NIL. He does not handle a fleet I should think so well as [[Cecil Burney, First Baronet|Burney]].  On the other hand his health is excellent as is his vigour.</blockquote>
Colville was appointed C.V.O. in 1902, K.C.B. in 1912, and G.C.V.O. on the occasion of the King's visit to Scapa in July 1915, G.C.M.G. in 1919, and G.C.B. in 1921. Of foreign honours he received the Japanese Order of the Rising Sun, the Russian Order of St. Stanislaus, and the Order of the Crown of Siam, and he was a grand officer of the Legion of Honour. He married in 1902 Lady Adelaide Jane, youngest daughter of Admiral of the Fleet Richard James Meade, fourth Earl of Clanwilliam , and had four sons.
Jellicoe went on to write that if "it is decided to appoint Colville in my place should the necessity arise, I think he should come <u>now</u> to a Battle Squadron to get the experience.  It would be hard on Burney to keep him on if Colville comes in over his head & if that were done I think Burney should be <u>given the offer</u> of Colville's present appointment."<ref>Jellicoe to Jackson. Jackson Papers. National Museum of the Royal Navy, Portsmouth. 255/4/14.</ref>
Colville struck his flag as Vice-Admiral Commanding, Orkneys and Shetlands on 19 January, 1916. He was appointed [[Portsmouth Station|Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth]] on 17 February, and held that command until the end of the war.
He struck his flag at Portsmouth on 31 March, 1919. On the occasion of the King's birthday he was appointed an Additional Member of the First Class, or Knight Grand Cross, of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (G.C.M.G.) on 3 June,<ref>''Edinburgh Gazette'': [http://www.edinburgh-gazette.co.uk/issues/13459/pages/2063 no. 13459. p. 2063.]  5 June, 1919.</ref>, and [[First and Principal Naval Aide-de-Camp]] to the King on 31 July.{{Gaz|31489|9961|5 August, 1919}} He was placed on the Retired List on 4 April, 1922.{{Gaz|32668|2934|11 April, 1922}} On 1 January, 1927, he was appointed to the ceremonial office of [[Rear-Admiral of the United Kingdom]], and on 22 March, 1929, became [[Vice-Admiral of the United Kingdom]].<ref>Colville service record. {{TNA|ADM 196/42/25.}}</ref> He died at Crawley Down, Sussex, 9 April 1939.
He married in 1902 Lady Adelaide Jane, youngest daughter of Admiral of the Fleet Richard James Meade, fourth Earl of Clanwilliam , and had four sons.
An oil portrait of Colville, painted by Sir William Llewellyn (1927), is in private possession. A tinted charcoal drawing of him by Francis Dodd is in the Imperial War Museum.
An oil portrait of Colville, painted by Sir William Llewellyn (1927), is in private possession. A tinted charcoal drawing of him by Francis Dodd is in the Imperial War Museum.
Admiral [[Herbert Meade-Fetherstonhaugh|The Hon. Sir Herbert Meade-Fetherstonhaugh]] wrote to [[Vincent Wilberforce Baddeley|Sir Vincent W. Baddeley]] in 1945 that:
<blockquote>To my mind the the outstanding feature of his career was his great popularity with his contemporaries & up to the time of his death his unfailing energy & activity.<ref>Meade-Fetherstonhaugh to Baddeley.  Letter of 22 August, 1945.  Baddeley Papers.  National Museum of the Royal Navy, Portsmouth.</ref></blockquote>
==See Also==
*"Admiral Sir Stanley Colville" (Obituaries).  ''The Times''.  Tuesday, 11 April, 1939.  Issue '''48276''', col E, pg. 13.
*"Admiral Sir Stanley Colville" (Obituaries).  ''The Times''.  Tuesday, 11 April, 1939.  Issue '''48276''', col E, p. 13.
==Service Record==
==Service Records==
*ADM 196/42
*ADM 196/20
*{{TNA|ADM 196/87.|D8115244}}
*{{TNA|ADM 196/42.|D7579032}}
*{{TNA|ADM 196/20.|D7590511}}
|[[Home Fleet (Royal Navy)|Rear-Admiral, Nore Division, Home Fleet]]|[[Frank Finnis]]|1908 &ndash; 1909|[[Charles John Briggs|Charles J. Briggs]]
[[Category:People with old TabAppts]]
<div name=fredbot:appts>{{TabApptsBegin}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[Frank Henry Peyton|Frank Peyton]]'''|'''[[H.M. T.B. 55 (1886)|Captain of H.M. T.B. 55]]'''<br>18 Jul, 1889<ref>"The Naval Manœuvres".  ''The Times''.  Monday, 15 July, 1889.  Issue '''32751''', col B, p. 4.</ref> &ndash; 31 Aug, 1889<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.|D7579032}} f. 29.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Arthur Trevor Dawson|Arthur T. Dawson]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[George Astley Callaghan|George A. Callaghan]]'''|'''[[Naval Adviser to the Inspector-General of Fortifications|Naval Adviser to the Inspector-General of Fortifications]]'''<br>19 Jul, 1897<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42/25.}}</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Walter George Stopford|The Hon. Walter G. Stopford]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[Reginald Neville Custance|Reginald N. Custance]]'''|'''[[H.M.S. Barfleur (1892)|Captain of H.M.S. ''Barfleur'']]'''<br>9 Sep, 1898<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.}}  f. 29.</ref> &ndash; Oct, 1899<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.|D7579032}} f. 29.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[George John Scott Warrender, Seventh Baronet|Sir George J. S. Warrender, Bart.]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[Charles John Graves-Sawle, Fourth Baronet|Sir Charles J. Graves-Sawle, Bart.]]'''|'''[[H.M.S. Crescent (1892)|Captain of H.M.S. ''Crescent'']]'''<br>1 Mar, 1900<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.}}  f. 29.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Trevylyan Dacres Willes Napier|Trevylyan D. W. Napier]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[George Fowler King-Hall|George F. King-Hall]]'''|'''[[Mediterranean Station|Chief of Staff, Mediterranean Station]]'''<br>1 May, 1902<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.}}  f. 29.</ref> &ndash; 1 May, 1905<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.|D7579032}} f. 29.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Osmond de Beauvoir Brock|Osmond de B. Brock]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[Francis Alban Arthur Giffard Tate|F. Alban A. G. Tate]]'''|'''[[H.M.S. Hindustan (1903)|Captain of H.M.S. ''Hindustan'']]'''<br>20 Dec, 1905<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.|D7579032}} f. 29.</ref> &ndash; 21 Dec, 1906<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.|D7579032}} f. 29.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Alexander Edward Bethell|The Hon. Alexander E. Bethell]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[Percy Moreton Scott, First Baronet|Sir Percy M. Scott]]'''|'''[[First Cruiser Squadron (Royal Navy)|Rear-Admiral Commanding, First Cruiser Squadron]]'''<br>24 Feb, 1909<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.|D7579032}} f. 29.</ref> &ndash; 6 Mar, 1911<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.|D7579032}} f. 29.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Lewis Bayly|Lewis Bayly]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''?'''|'''[[First Battle Squadron (Royal Navy)|Vice-Admiral Commanding, First Battle Squadron]]'''<br>22 Jun, 1912{{UKCeased|Unnumbered page}} &ndash; 22 Jun, 1914<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.|D7579032}} f. 29.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Lewis Bayly|Sir Lewis Bayly]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''New Command'''|'''[[Orkneys and Shetlands|Admiral Commanding, Orkneys and Shetlands]]'''<br>7 Sep, 1914<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.|D7579032}} f. 29.</ref> &ndash; 19 Jan, 1916<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.|D7579032}} f. 29.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Frederic Edward Errington Brock|Sir Frederic E. E. Brock]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[Hedworth Meux|The Hon. Sir Hedworth Meux]]'''|'''[[Portsmouth Station|Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth Station]]'''<br>17 Feb, 1916{{NLNov18|p. 2}} &ndash; 31 Mar, 1919<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.|D7579032}} f. 292.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Cecil Burney, First Baronet|Sir Cecil Burney, Bart.]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[Henry Bradwardine Jackson|Sir Henry B. Jackson]]'''|'''[[First and Principal Naval Aide-de-Camp|First and Principal Naval Aide-de-Camp]]'''<br>31 Jul, 1919{{Gaz|31489|9961|5 August, 1919}}|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Charles Edward Madden, First Baronet|Sir Charles E. Madden, Bart.]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[Edmund Robert Fremantle|Edmund R. Fremantle]]'''|'''[[Rear-Admiral of the United Kingdom|Rear-Admiral of the United Kingdom]]'''<br>1 Jan, 1927<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.}}  f. 292.</ref> &ndash; 22 Mar, 1929<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.}}  f. 292.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Montague Edward Browning|Montague E. Browning]]'''}}
{{TabApptsRow|Preceded by<br>'''[[Francis Charles Bridgeman Bridgeman|Francis Charles Bridgeman Bridgeman]]'''|'''[[Vice-Admiral of the United Kingdom|Vice-Admiral of the United Kingdom]]'''<br>22 Mar, 1929<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.}}  f. 292.</ref> &ndash; 6 Feb, 1939<ref>Colville Service Record.  {{TNA|ADM 196/42.}}  f. 292.</ref>|Succeeded by<br>'''[[Montague Edward Browning|Montague E. Browning]]'''}}
</div name=fredbot:appts>
{{DEFAULTSORT:Colville, Stanley Cecil}}
{{CatBritannia|July, 1874}}
[[Category:1861 births|Colville]]
[[Category:Royal Navy Officers Educated at Stubbington House School]]
[[Category:1939 deaths|Colville]]
[[Category:Naval Aides-de-Camp to King Edward VII]]
[[Category:Chiefs of Staff to the Commander-in-Chief in the Mediterranean Fleet|Colville]]
[[Category:Naval Aides-de-Camp to King Edward VII|Colville]]
[[Category:Commanding Officers of H.M.S. Hindustan (1903)|Colville]]
[[Category:Rear-Admirals Commanding, First Cruiser Squadron (Royal Navy)|Colville]]
[[Category:Vice-Admirals Commanding, First Battle Squadron (Royal Navy)|Colville]]
[[Category:Vice-Admirals Commanding, Orkneys and Shetlands|Colville]]
[[Category:Commanders-in-Chief, Portsmouth|Colville]]
[[Category:First and Principal Naval Aides-de-Camp to King George V|Colville]]
[[Category:Royal Navy Admirals|Colville]]
[[Category:Royal Navy Flag Officers|Colville]]

Latest revision as of 22:32, 6 April 2022

Admiral The Honourable Sir Stanley Colville, 1917.
Photograph: © National Portrait Gallery, London.

Admiral THE HONOURABLE SIR Stanley Cecil James Colville, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., G.C.V.O. (21 February, 1861 – 9 April, 1939) was an officer of the Royal Navy.

Early Life & Career

Colville was appointed as a Naval Cadet to the training ship Britannia at Dartmouth on 15 July, 1874.

For services rendered during the operations in Egypt, Colville was specially promoted to the rank of Lieutenant with seniority of 18 November, 1882.[1]

On 18 July, 1889, Colville was appointed in command of the first-class torpedo boat T.B. 55 for manoeuvres.[Inference][2] He then went to Buzzard until 20 August, 1890.[3]

Colville was appointed to the Royal Yacht Victoria and Albert on 26 August, 1890,[4] and was promoted to the rank of Commander on 25 August, 1892, aged thirty-one years, six months, and four days.[5]

A brief appointment in the armoured cruiser Achilles occupied part of 1893, and in May, 1893, he began a three year turn in Trafalgar in the Mediterranean.[6]

For his services in the Sudan, Colville was appointed a Companion in the Military Division of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath (C.B.) on 17 November, 1896, and was specially promoted to the rank of Captain on 31 October, aged thirty-five years, eight months, and ten days.[7]

Colville was appointed as captain of the second class battleship Barfleur on 9 September, 1898, remaining in her through October, 1899.[8]

He was appointed in command of Crescent as Flag Captain on 1 March, 1900.[9]

Flag Rank

Colville was promoted to the rank of Rear-Admiral on 11 November, 1906, vice Marrack.[10]

He was promoted to the rank of Vice-Admiral on 12 April, 1911, vice Bridgeman.[11]

On the occasion of the King's birthday he was appointed an Ordinary Member of the Second Class, or Knight Commander, in the Military Division of the Order of the Bath (K.C.B.) on 14 June, 1912.[12]

Great War

On 7 September, 1914, Colville was appointed Vice-Admiral Commanding, Orkneys and Shetlands.[13] He was promoted to the rank of Admiral dated 11 September,[14] but asked not to be given the rank so as to remain junior to Jellicoe.[15] At the end of December he took command of the First Battle Squadron for a few days whilst Sir Cecil Burney was ill. He took command on 24 December and went ashore on 28 December.[16] Colville wrote to Hamilton:

By Jove I simply lived again during my 4 days with the 1st Battle Squadron. The Germans might have had the decency to come out & give me a show on Xmas Day - from my point of view Burney came back in too much of a hurry & how I long for another chance at sea & a permanent one, not kind on other Admirals!! but still if the chance did occur I always doubt W.C. [Winston Churchill] & Co. appointing me if they could avoid it.[17]

On 9 July, 1915, Colville was promoted to Knight Grand Cross in the Royal Victoria Order (G.C.V.O.).[18] As he noted to Hamilton, "He [King George V] much to my surprise gave me the GCVO on leaving [Scapa], I was greatly touched & honoured but feel that an Admiral who can only be employed by the Admiralty 'on the Mud' in war time is not worthy of it."[19]

In describing Colville's qualifications for Second-in-Command of the Grand Fleet, Jellicoe wrote on 9 August, 1915:

Colville has dash, but is nervy & very apt to worry about those under him about trifles. His experience is not so recent as Burney's, & of Fleet experience during the war he has practically NIL. He does not handle a fleet I should think so well as Burney. On the other hand his health is excellent as is his vigour.

Jellicoe went on to write that if "it is decided to appoint Colville in my place should the necessity arise, I think he should come now to a Battle Squadron to get the experience. It would be hard on Burney to keep him on if Colville comes in over his head & if that were done I think Burney should be given the offer of Colville's present appointment."[20]

Colville struck his flag as Vice-Admiral Commanding, Orkneys and Shetlands on 19 January, 1916. He was appointed Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth on 17 February, and held that command until the end of the war.


He struck his flag at Portsmouth on 31 March, 1919. On the occasion of the King's birthday he was appointed an Additional Member of the First Class, or Knight Grand Cross, of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George (G.C.M.G.) on 3 June,[21], and First and Principal Naval Aide-de-Camp to the King on 31 July.[22] He was placed on the Retired List on 4 April, 1922.[23] On 1 January, 1927, he was appointed to the ceremonial office of Rear-Admiral of the United Kingdom, and on 22 March, 1929, became Vice-Admiral of the United Kingdom.[24] He died at Crawley Down, Sussex, 9 April 1939.

He married in 1902 Lady Adelaide Jane, youngest daughter of Admiral of the Fleet Richard James Meade, fourth Earl of Clanwilliam , and had four sons.

An oil portrait of Colville, painted by Sir William Llewellyn (1927), is in private possession. A tinted charcoal drawing of him by Francis Dodd is in the Imperial War Museum.


Admiral The Hon. Sir Herbert Meade-Fetherstonhaugh wrote to Sir Vincent W. Baddeley in 1945 that:

To my mind the the outstanding feature of his career was his great popularity with his contemporaries & up to the time of his death his unfailing energy & activity.[25]

See Also


  • "Admiral Sir Stanley Colville" (Obituaries). The Times. Tuesday, 11 April, 1939. Issue 48276, col E, p. 13.
  • Gordon, Andrew (2005). The Rules of the Game: Jutland and British Naval Command. London: John Murray (Publishers). ISBN 0719561310. (on Amazon.com and Amazon.co.uk).

Service Records

Naval Appointments
Preceded by
Frank Finnis
Rear-Admiral, Nore Division, Home Fleet
1908 – 1909
Succeeded by
Charles J. Briggs

Naval Appointments
Preceded by
Frank Peyton
Captain of H.M. T.B. 55
18 Jul, 1889[26] – 31 Aug, 1889[27]
Succeeded by
Arthur T. Dawson
Preceded by
George A. Callaghan
Naval Adviser to the Inspector-General of Fortifications
19 Jul, 1897[28]
Succeeded by
The Hon. Walter G. Stopford
Preceded by
Reginald N. Custance
Captain of H.M.S. Barfleur
9 Sep, 1898[29] – Oct, 1899[30]
Succeeded by
Sir George J. S. Warrender, Bart.
Preceded by
Sir Charles J. Graves-Sawle, Bart.
Captain of H.M.S. Crescent
1 Mar, 1900[31]
Succeeded by
Trevylyan D. W. Napier
Preceded by
George F. King-Hall
Chief of Staff, Mediterranean Station
1 May, 1902[32] – 1 May, 1905[33]
Succeeded by
Osmond de B. Brock
Preceded by
F. Alban A. G. Tate
Captain of H.M.S. Hindustan
20 Dec, 1905[34] – 21 Dec, 1906[35]
Succeeded by
The Hon. Alexander E. Bethell
Preceded by
Sir Percy M. Scott
Rear-Admiral Commanding, First Cruiser Squadron
24 Feb, 1909[36] – 6 Mar, 1911[37]
Succeeded by
Lewis Bayly
Preceded by
Vice-Admiral Commanding, First Battle Squadron
22 Jun, 1912[38] – 22 Jun, 1914[39]
Succeeded by
Sir Lewis Bayly
Preceded by
New Command
Admiral Commanding, Orkneys and Shetlands
7 Sep, 1914[40] – 19 Jan, 1916[41]
Succeeded by
Sir Frederic E. E. Brock
Preceded by
The Hon. Sir Hedworth Meux
Commander-in-Chief, Portsmouth Station
17 Feb, 1916[42] – 31 Mar, 1919[43]
Succeeded by
Sir Cecil Burney, Bart.
Court Appointments
Preceded by
Sir Henry B. Jackson
First and Principal Naval Aide-de-Camp
31 Jul, 1919[44]
Succeeded by
Sir Charles E. Madden, Bart.
Preceded by
Edmund R. Fremantle
Rear-Admiral of the United Kingdom
1 Jan, 1927[45] – 22 Mar, 1929[46]
Succeeded by
Montague E. Browning
Preceded by
Francis Charles Bridgeman Bridgeman
Vice-Admiral of the United Kingdom
22 Mar, 1929[47] – 6 Feb, 1939[48]
Succeeded by
Montague E. Browning


  1. The London Gazette: no. 25169. p. 5173. 17 November, 1882.
  2. "The Naval Manœuvres". The Times. Monday, 15 July, 1889. Issue 32751, col B, p. 4.
  3. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 29.
  4. The Navy List. (April, 1891). p. 264.
  5. The London Gazette: no. 26322. p. 5016. 2 September, 1892.
  6. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 29.
  7. The London Gazette: no. 26795. p. 6271. 17 November, 1896.
  8. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 29.
  9. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 29.
  10. The London Gazette: no. 27967. p. 7628. 13 November, 1906.
  11. The London Gazette: no. 28485. p. 2967. 14 April, 1911.
  12. The London Gazette: (Supplement) no. 28617. p. 4297. 14 April, 1911.
  13. Colville service record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42/25.
  14. The London Gazette: no. 28984. p. 9690. 24 November, 1914.
  15. Colville service record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42/25.
  16. "Grand Fleet Narrative of Events." Jellicoe Papers. British Library. Add MS 48996. ff. 230, 235.
  17. Colville to Hamilton. Letter of 5 January, 1915. Hamilton Papers. National Maritime Museum. HTN/117/A.
  18. The London Gazette: no. 29232. p. 6959. 16 July, 1915.
  19. Colville to Hamilton. Letter of 12 July, 1915. Hamilton Papers. National Maritime Museum. HTN/117/A.
  20. Jellicoe to Jackson. Jackson Papers. National Museum of the Royal Navy, Portsmouth. 255/4/14.
  21. Edinburgh Gazette: no. 13459. p. 2063. 5 June, 1919.
  22. The London Gazette: no. 31489. p. 9961. 5 August, 1919.
  23. The London Gazette: no. 32668. p. 2934. 11 April, 1922.
  24. Colville service record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42/25.
  25. Meade-Fetherstonhaugh to Baddeley. Letter of 22 August, 1945. Baddeley Papers. National Museum of the Royal Navy, Portsmouth.
  26. "The Naval Manœuvres". The Times. Monday, 15 July, 1889. Issue 32751, col B, p. 4.
  27. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 29.
  28. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42/25.
  29. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 29.
  30. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 29.
  31. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 29.
  32. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 29.
  33. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 29.
  34. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 29.
  35. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 29.
  36. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 29.
  37. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 29.
  38. Squadrons and Senior Naval Officers in Existence on 11th November, 1918. Unnumbered page.
  39. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 29.
  40. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 29.
  41. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 29.
  42. The Navy List. (November, 1918). p. 2.
  43. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 292.
  44. The London Gazette: no. 31489. p. 9961. 5 August, 1919.
  45. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 292.
  46. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 292.
  47. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 292.
  48. Colville Service Record. The National Archives. ADM 196/42. f. 292.