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Papers relating to his time at Armstrong Whitworth (Elswick) 1902-12: file containing draft letters and memoranda almost exclusively to or from D'Eyncourt 1902-12 concerning most aspects of Elswick shipyard.
Papers relating to his time at Armstrong Whitworth (Elswick) 1902-12: file containing draft letters and memoranda almost exclusively to or from D'Eyncourt 1902-12 concerning most aspects of Elswick shipyard.
Papers relating to his time at Armstrong Whitworth (Elswick) 1902-12: papers removed from letterbook dealing with most aspects of Elswick Shipyard.
Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1912, a report on anti-rolling tanks, papers relating to his appointment as DNC and an index of Admiralty Experiment Works Reports for 1912.
Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1913, letters regarding rudder design, a letter from Sir Nathaniel Barnaby and papers relating to experiments on oil fuel.
Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1914, letter from Lord Jellicoe about HMS IRON DUKE, various reports on a paper by W J B Wilson on defective steel, and three letters from Lord Fisher, two concerning the Battle Cruiser design RHADAMANTHUS, built as HMS RENOWN and REPULSE.
Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1915, letters from Lord Fisher about new Battle Cruiser designs, letters from Adm Beatty, a report from Rear-Adm Horace Hood concerning HMS REVENGE and director firing, papers relating to HMS LION and AUDACIOUS, also a report on Clyde shipwrights imprisoned under the Munitions of War Act 1915.
Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1916, letter from Adm Beatty, copies of letter to Balfour on the Armament Industry and a graph illustrating ships lost and new construction during 1916.
Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1917, letter from Capt Hankey on converting old cruisers into cargo ships, paper on the construction of large merchant vessels with anti-submarine protection, notes of a conversation with Adm Beatty on construction policy, draft of letter to Lloyd George about underwater protection, and letters and papers from Lord Fisher.
Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1918, letters from Sir Stanley Goodall reporting from the USA, correspondence relating to Charles De Lacy's painting of HMS VINDICTIVE at Zeebrugge and letters from Lord Fisher.
Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1919, papers relating to suspension and stoppage of shipbuilding, future construction programmes and a note from Lord Fisher.
Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1920, letter from Lord Fisher, letters from Philip Watts with draft replies discussing construction methods, correspondence relating to D'Eyncourt's claims to the Investigating Committee of the Royal Commission of Awards to Inventors, and draft letters pressing for recognition of his service during the war with letters to Hankey, Churchill, Balfour and Lord Riddell.
Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1921, paper on improvements in the quality of steel, letters from C V Fisher and Sir Charles Parsons, papers relating to Disarmament and the Washington Conference with a copy of a letter to Lloyd George on the subject.
Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1922, paper on proposed Dutch Naval construction, letters from Rear-Adm Sir Lionel Halsey concerning HMS RENOWN, from Sir Herbert Richmond and from Winston Churchill with a copy of D'Eyncourt's reply.
Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1923, letter from Adm Sir Arthur Leveson regarding HMS HAWKINS and a record of the career of Sir William Berry.
Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1924 relating to his retirement from the post of DNC including a letter from Lord Jellicoe and a list of ships designed by D'Eyncourt during his time as DNC.
Reports, plans re: general arrangements and correspondence, 1912-1924, concerning the battleships and battlecruisers ROYAL SOVEREIGN, AUDACIOUS, IRON DUKE, REPULSE, RESOLUTION and RENOWN. Includes an extract of a letter from Jellicoe, 19 September 1914 and a copy of the reply 29 September 1914, re: Iron Duke. Reports concern the modification of armour and battleship design. Further includes plans of the Braziian battleship RIO DE JANEIRO, 1913.
Papers relating to Aircraft Ships 1912-24 including papers concerning the United States of patent rights in the landing devices and arresting gears used in British Aircraft Ships 1922, a paper dealing with a proposed aircraft carrying Mail Steamer and rough diagrams of a 'Flying Off' device.
Papers relating to Large Light Cruisers 1915-17, initial considerations, final specifications and costs, correspondence with shipyards, notes on criticisms by Sir Philip Watts, and a report of the Court of Enquiry into damage of HMS COURAGEOUS 1917.
Papers relating to Destroyers 1912-17, propeller experiments and trials 1912-14, list of those ordered during 1914, report on 'M' Class trials Feb 1915, and proposals for construction 1916-17.
Papers relating to Submarines 1912-18, memoranda on design, strategy, table giving specifications and costs of various types 1913 and proposed design of an 'L' Class Cruiser 1916.
Papers relating to Monitors 1912-15 including memoranda relating to design and construction, correspondence with shipyards and copies of a contract and tender 1914.
Papers relating to P Boats and Trawlers 1914-16, correspondence with Smith's Dock Company 1914 about the possibility of disguising steam whalers and trawlers and a report on the trials of P24 in Jan 1916.
Papers relating to Airships and Aeroplanes 1916-23 including reports, cew lists etc of the first trial flight of HM Airship No.9 Nov 1916, reports of the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 1917-20 and a paper on the development of the flying boat by J H Narbeth 1923.
Papers relating to Underwater Protection and Mines 1914-24, results of torpedo experiments on HMS HOOD 1914, memorandum, papers relating to the Chatham Float experiments, correspondence relating to HMS GRAFTON 1917, papers about Bulge Protection and letters from Sir Philip Watts criticising the fitting of 'bulges' to Queen Elizabeth Class ships with replies.
Papers relating to Gunnery and Armour Plating 1916-19 including a report on the advantages of parallel firing systems 1914 and new proposals for deck armour 1919.
Papers relating to the Royal Corps of Naval Constructors 1914-24 including lists of members and correspondence and memoranda by D'Eyncourt attempting to gain greater recognition for the work of the Corps and to improve its status and pay.
Notes and memoranda n.d.
Official reports including a paper on German Warship construction, German and Austrian reports on the Battle of Jutland, and a paper on the relationship between the Navy and the Air Force 1923.
Printed material 1912-24 including a report on improving accommodation in HM ships 1913, survey of Navy War Losses 1919, records of warship construction during the war, minutes of the Board of Invention and Research, and several papers by D'Eyncourt.

Revision as of 10:54, 15 September 2014


Papers relating to his time at Fairfields, 1898-1902: notes and memoranda relating to shipyard problems, including notes of Fairfield's premium incentive wage scheme and a letter from Philip Watts 1900.


Papers relating to his time at Fairfields, 1898-1902: memoranda relating to Royal Navy Ships, including schedules, specifications, plans, indicated Horse Power and Speed Curves of proposed buildings of Cruisers and Destroyers.


Papers relating to his time at Fairfields, 1898-1902: papers relating to merchant ships built by other yards, including details of the BRAEMAR CASTLE (Barclay Curle), the INVERNIA (Swan Hunter) and the SAXON (Harland and Wolff).


Papers relating to his time at Armstrong Whitworth (Elswick) 1902-12: concerning shipyard problems, labour and shipyard costs, dispute with Ordnance department over contracts for electrical work and Royal Naval ship prices.


Papers relating to his time at Armstrong Whitworth (Elswick) 1902-12: concerning negotiations to build submarines under licence from the Lake Torpedo Boat Company 1904-6.


Papers relating to his time at Armstrong Whitworth (Elswick) 1902-12: concerning Royal Naval Ship Design including plans, weights and trial results, of ships unsuccessfully tendered for, HMS SWIFTSHIRE, INVINCIBLE, ADVENTURE, AFRIDI and floating cranes, report on underwater torpedo experiment 1905-6 and of Palma's proposed 30 knot destroyer.


Papers relating to his time at Armstrong Whitworth (Elswick) 1902-12: concerning merchant ship design including SS ARAL1891, Sir William Mullock's enquiry for Atlantic liners for Canada 1901 and Elswick design no.1080, proposed fast passenger liner, Buenos Aires to Genoa.


Papers relating to his time at Armstrong Whitworth (Elswick) 1902-12: concerning the design of foreign warships in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, China, Greece, Japan (including report by Armstrong's Far Eastern representative on Russian warships sunk at Port Arthur 1905), Norway, Portugal, Spain and Turkey.


Papers relating to his time at Armstrong Whitworth (Elswick) 1902-12: concerning D'Eyncourt's visits to Brazil 1910 and Mar-Jun 1911 to secure the revised contract for the Brazilian battleship RIO DE JANEIRO, also plans of Elswick design 494A MINAS GERAES, 645, 682, 684, 685, 687, 689.


Papers relating to his time at Armstrong Whitworth (Elswick) 1902-12: plans and notes of unidentified ships including Elswick design no. 246, proposed 400 ton gunboat, crane barge, metacentric diagram no. 640, battleship, Apr-May 1910, also design for Cunard liners and steamer for the Boston Towboat Company.


Papers relating to his time at Armstrong Whitworth (Elswick) 1902-12: file containing draft letters and memoranda almost exclusively to or from D'Eyncourt 1902-12 concerning most aspects of Elswick shipyard.


Papers relating to his time at Armstrong Whitworth (Elswick) 1902-12: papers removed from letterbook dealing with most aspects of Elswick Shipyard.


Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1912, a report on anti-rolling tanks, papers relating to his appointment as DNC and an index of Admiralty Experiment Works Reports for 1912.


Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1913, letters regarding rudder design, a letter from Sir Nathaniel Barnaby and papers relating to experiments on oil fuel.


Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1914, letter from Lord Jellicoe about HMS IRON DUKE, various reports on a paper by W J B Wilson on defective steel, and three letters from Lord Fisher, two concerning the Battle Cruiser design RHADAMANTHUS, built as HMS RENOWN and REPULSE.


Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1915, letters from Lord Fisher about new Battle Cruiser designs, letters from Adm Beatty, a report from Rear-Adm Horace Hood concerning HMS REVENGE and director firing, papers relating to HMS LION and AUDACIOUS, also a report on Clyde shipwrights imprisoned under the Munitions of War Act 1915.


Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1916, letter from Adm Beatty, copies of letter to Balfour on the Armament Industry and a graph illustrating ships lost and new construction during 1916.


Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1917, letter from Capt Hankey on converting old cruisers into cargo ships, paper on the construction of large merchant vessels with anti-submarine protection, notes of a conversation with Adm Beatty on construction policy, draft of letter to Lloyd George about underwater protection, and letters and papers from Lord Fisher.


Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1918, letters from Sir Stanley Goodall reporting from the USA, correspondence relating to Charles De Lacy's painting of HMS VINDICTIVE at Zeebrugge and letters from Lord Fisher.


Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1919, papers relating to suspension and stoppage of shipbuilding, future construction programmes and a note from Lord Fisher.


Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1920, letter from Lord Fisher, letters from Philip Watts with draft replies discussing construction methods, correspondence relating to D'Eyncourt's claims to the Investigating Committee of the Royal Commission of Awards to Inventors, and draft letters pressing for recognition of his service during the war with letters to Hankey, Churchill, Balfour and Lord Riddell.


Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1921, paper on improvements in the quality of steel, letters from C V Fisher and Sir Charles Parsons, papers relating to Disarmament and the Washington Conference with a copy of a letter to Lloyd George on the subject.


Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1922, paper on proposed Dutch Naval construction, letters from Rear-Adm Sir Lionel Halsey concerning HMS RENOWN, from Sir Herbert Richmond and from Winston Churchill with a copy of D'Eyncourt's reply.


Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1923, letter from Adm Sir Arthur Leveson regarding HMS HAWKINS and a record of the career of Sir William Berry.


Director of Naval Construction 1912-24: general correspondence and papers for 1924 relating to his retirement from the post of DNC including a letter from Lord Jellicoe and a list of ships designed by D'Eyncourt during his time as DNC.


Reports, plans re: general arrangements and correspondence, 1912-1924, concerning the battleships and battlecruisers ROYAL SOVEREIGN, AUDACIOUS, IRON DUKE, REPULSE, RESOLUTION and RENOWN. Includes an extract of a letter from Jellicoe, 19 September 1914 and a copy of the reply 29 September 1914, re: Iron Duke. Reports concern the modification of armour and battleship design. Further includes plans of the Braziian battleship RIO DE JANEIRO, 1913.


Papers relating to Aircraft Ships 1912-24 including papers concerning the United States of patent rights in the landing devices and arresting gears used in British Aircraft Ships 1922, a paper dealing with a proposed aircraft carrying Mail Steamer and rough diagrams of a 'Flying Off' device.


Papers relating to Large Light Cruisers 1915-17, initial considerations, final specifications and costs, correspondence with shipyards, notes on criticisms by Sir Philip Watts, and a report of the Court of Enquiry into damage of HMS COURAGEOUS 1917.


Papers relating to Destroyers 1912-17, propeller experiments and trials 1912-14, list of those ordered during 1914, report on 'M' Class trials Feb 1915, and proposals for construction 1916-17.


Papers relating to Submarines 1912-18, memoranda on design, strategy, table giving specifications and costs of various types 1913 and proposed design of an 'L' Class Cruiser 1916.


Papers relating to Monitors 1912-15 including memoranda relating to design and construction, correspondence with shipyards and copies of a contract and tender 1914.


Papers relating to P Boats and Trawlers 1914-16, correspondence with Smith's Dock Company 1914 about the possibility of disguising steam whalers and trawlers and a report on the trials of P24 in Jan 1916.


Papers relating to Airships and Aeroplanes 1916-23 including reports, cew lists etc of the first trial flight of HM Airship No.9 Nov 1916, reports of the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics 1917-20 and a paper on the development of the flying boat by J H Narbeth 1923.


Papers relating to Underwater Protection and Mines 1914-24, results of torpedo experiments on HMS HOOD 1914, memorandum, papers relating to the Chatham Float experiments, correspondence relating to HMS GRAFTON 1917, papers about Bulge Protection and letters from Sir Philip Watts criticising the fitting of 'bulges' to Queen Elizabeth Class ships with replies.


Papers relating to Gunnery and Armour Plating 1916-19 including a report on the advantages of parallel firing systems 1914 and new proposals for deck armour 1919.


Papers relating to the Royal Corps of Naval Constructors 1914-24 including lists of members and correspondence and memoranda by D'Eyncourt attempting to gain greater recognition for the work of the Corps and to improve its status and pay.


Notes and memoranda n.d.


Official reports including a paper on German Warship construction, German and Austrian reports on the Battle of Jutland, and a paper on the relationship between the Navy and the Air Force 1923.


Printed material 1912-24 including a report on improving accommodation in HM ships 1913, survey of Navy War Losses 1919, records of warship construction during the war, minutes of the Board of Invention and Research, and several papers by D'Eyncourt.




















































Pocket book of plans of HMS KING GEORGE V, launched 1911.


Desk diary 1919.


Desk diary with entries for Jan-Jun 1920 only.


Printed pamphlet: 'Records of Warship Construction during the War. 1914-18' vol I, includes details of capital ship, battle cruiser, light cruiser, destroyer, monitor and submarine construction.


Printed pamphlet: 'Records of Naval Construction during the War. 1914-18' vol II part 1, includes records of aircraft carrier and armed merchant cruiser constructions.


Printed pamphlet: 'Records of Naval Construction during the War. 1914-18' vol II part 2, including details of rigid airship and trawler and drifter construction.


Bible bearing the name of Mary Diana Bunbury 27 Feb 1833.


Bible given to D'Eyncourt by his mother 1899 including a family register.


Plans of the battleships constructed during D'Eyncourt's period as DNC1912-24, including ROYAL SOVEREIGN Class, IRON DUKE, QUEEN ELIZABETH, and Brazilian battleship RIO DE JANEIRO.


Plans of battlecruisers constructed during D'Eyncourt's period as DNC1912-24 including RENOWN, REPULSE and HOOD.


10 folded and rolled Admiralty plans of cruisers constructed during D'Eyncourt's period as DNC1912-24, including FURIOUS, CERES class light cruisers, 'E' class light cruisers, CARLISLE Class light cruisers and CALLIOPE class light cruisers.


Plans of submarines and monitors constructed during D'Eyncourt's period as DNC1912-24 including a book of plans of various different classes of submarines 'New Monitors' Dec 1916, and HMS CLIVE.


Plans and curves of speed and horse power of various ships constructed during D'Eyncourt's period as DNC1912-24 including a book of plans of DIOMEDE and DESPATCH and plans of different types of sloops and minesweepers.



Various large plans including a 15 knot Admiralty designed oil tanker 1915, CORAGEOUS, TIGER, QUEEN ELIZABETH Class and a set of plans of the Dartford Tunnel.


Various large rolled plans including battleship designs 'D' , February 1916; battleship designs 'B', January 1916 and designs of Spanish battleships: ESPANA, ALFONSO XIII, JAIME I, arrangement of armament, armour and protection.


Rolled honours and certificates including a certificate of membership of The Institute of Civil Engineers 1920 and the 'Ordre National De La Legion D'Honneur' 1918.


Printed pamphlets including a report 'On the Vulnerability of Capital Ships to Air Attack' 1936, an obituary notice of Sir Philip Watts by D'Eyncourt, copies of an obituary notice of Sir Alfred Yarrow also by D'Eyncourt and some press cuttings.



Photographs relating to D'Eyncourt's career mainly of warships including the sinking of HMS AUDACIOUS 27 October 1914, damage to SS ASPEN-LEAF Jan 1917, series showing the launching of Spanish cruisers BELEARES 1932 and CANARIAS 1931, motor yacht LILLIAN, some First World War photographs of Verdun and some early tank photographs.


Large photographs relating to D'Eyncourt's career including HMS REPULSE 14 August 1916, launch of SS SHIRAK 1926, a K class submarine, a R9 airship and the memorial to Sir William White circa 1916 (Director of Naval Construction 1885-1902).


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